It is healthy for a soul to want to do more for God and to be in a perpetual state of personal improvement and spiritual maturity. There are 168 hours in a week, and if you tithe your time to God as you do your monetary increase then that leaves you with nearly 17 hours a week that you can dedicate solely to God.
Assuming you are faithful in your church attendance, an average service is 2 hours, then you have 11 hours left to invest in your relationship with God in a week, and the real question becomes: "What do you do with these 11 hours of great Spiritual potential?" Consider these suggestions:
1. Pray. You don't have to start out praying an hour a day, but whatever time you invest in prayer will bring results. Prayer is essential to growing in the Lord. Learn to intercede, but don't let intercession overwhelm you and rob you of joy.
2. Read. Read the Word of God. Some people spend so much time studying and chasing down rabbit tracks in the Bible that they fail to simply read the Bible. Pray, clear your mind, then read. Let His written Word be as food to your spirit and absorb it. Remember: The greatest and final source of self-examination is the Word of God.
3. Study. This is the time to follow those rabbit trails. This is the time to look into the deeper meaning of the Scriptures. This is the time to search the Scriptures.
4. Listen. Invest time in active listening. Many people talk to God in prayer, but ignore the richest half of prayer time -- listening to what Jesus is saying to them. He hears your prayer, but do you hear His? Prayer is dialogue, not monologue.
5. Fast. You want to draw closer to God? Fast one day a week, one meal a day, or three days (typically, 3 days is what it takes to crucify the flesh). You can also fast by setting aside time spent on things that you enjoy (other than food), like the Internet, movies, Starbucks, chocolate, etc.
6. Praise. There needs to be some time in your week, or day, where you loudly and demonstratively praise God. Dance before Him in secret prayer; sing in the Holy Ghost loudly as you're sweeping the carpet; let tears of praise flow. We praise God for what He's done. Shout! Clap! Jump! Sing! Extol!
7. Worship. Worship is different than praise. Study the difference and then apply it to your life. We worship God for who He is. Lie prostrate before God.
8. Obey. Whatever God tells you to do in His Word, in prayer, or by His messengers (Pastor, preachers, teachers...) do! Remember: God will never ask/tell you to do something that violates His written Word.
Of course, there will be days when you feel like you’ve been with God all day, and others when He seems to be unavailable, but every day is full of potential investment opportunities in your relationship with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as you tithe your time to Him.