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10 June 2011

J. T. Pugh - The Removal of Humiliation

J. T. Pugh addressing Zion Tabernacle
There are moments in a believer's life when a sermon is preached and received in such a way that the individual leaves changed, and not just moved. The event stays lodged in the mind as a watershed moment.  Such was the message delivered by the late Rev. J. T. Pugh to the congregation of Zion Tabernacle in Kokomo, IN, on Sunday morning, November 7, 1993.

His Text: Joel 2:26-27
His Title: The Removal of Humiliation
Alternate URL:

For me, the moment holds infinite benefit.  I witnessed lives changed, healed, and restored as that man of God delivered the Word of God.  My own life-course was altered that morning as I sat in the pew listening to Bro. Pugh deliver his heart.

So, for your benefit, I am posting that message here in the hope that someone else will be as blessed as I was so long ago.